3 Years and 180 posts ago...

Posted on January 28, 2008 at 01:30 AM

Three years ago at this exact moment I was cobbling together the makings of this blog. The design, the movable type install, the first post, everything. Now looking back three years I will attempt to wax nostalgic, as I have prepared nothing amusing or entertaining for this 3rd blogiversary.

So in case you're just tuning into JoeSchmidt.com for the first time, here is what you've missed so far:

As Steve Jobs would say, "Isn't that great?"

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Wow, what a stellar list of accomplishments." For a more complete compendium of articles, feel free to drop by the JoeSchmidt.com Archive page.

While I would love to promise an increase in posting in '08, lower taxes, a new gadget of the week, a new graphical update to JoeSchmidt.com, or to end the war in Iraq, I would be a fool to do such. One thing I have learned in the past 3 years is that blogging ain't easy and there are only 168 hours in a week. So expect nothing more than JoeSchmidt.com being your consistently sporadic source of news and entertainment.

To close things out, I would like to wish a Happy 34 to my wife, a happy 10 to our niece, and a happy 33 to me.

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Happy birthday to my
wonderful brother, his amazing wife and their niece. Hope you all have a
momentous day!

Love you guys.
see ya soon.

Posted by: Sis | January 28, 2008 09:59 AM

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