You should see what the other guy looks like

Posted on September 13, 2005 at 12:23 PM

That's going to leave a mark

The head of our legal department received his first stitches this past weekend during a freak shark attack off the coast of Belize. The incident occurred while he was scuba diving in a part of the barrier reef there known as The Great Blue Hole. While observing the naturual beauty of this underwater wonder he was confronted by an agitated shark approximately 10 feet in length. As shown in the picture above, this small cut was the only injury he sustained in the attack, as he escaped relatively unharmed. Needless to say the same cannot be said for the shark.

All of us here at wish him a speedy recover.

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You've got to be careful--some of those sharks have sharp teeth!!

Posted by: Grandpa John | September 14, 2005 10:04 PM

Hi. I like the photo of the stitches and would like to use it in a power point presentation I'm putting together. Since there's a chance the presentation will be posted on the internet I'd prefer to have your permission to use it. If that's not something you're comfortable with I understand and will use another photo I found on the net.


Posted by: Thomas | August 11, 2009 02:52 PM

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