Happy seventh birthday google

Posted on September 27, 2005 at 01:12 AM

happy 7th birthday Google

So, if Google was:

  • human: it would be in the 2nd grade.

  • a dog: it would be 41 in human years.

  • married: it would have the seven year itch

Thanks Google. Without you I'd still be using altavista and mapquest.

Side note: Over on Google's Blog there is a post on how they have increased the size of their search index to three times that of one of their competitors [*cough* *cough*, Yahoo] to commemorate Google's seventh birthday.

Currently, Yahoo lists their search index at 20 billion pages. Does that mean Google has went from searching 8 billion pages to 60 billion pages? Hard to say, but I doubt we will ever see Google's search index size appearing on their home page again.

Over on the New York TImes, My Uncle Eric discusses the Google v. Yahoo size controversy. He tells users to "taste test" which engine produces the best results. I found that a site called twingine, which does a side by side search of both Yahoo and Google, works quite nicely for this.

My guess is that if Google says it's index is 1000 times that of it's initial index, I'd guess that their current search index is approx. 24-25 billion pages.

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