The church sign generator

Posted on August 03, 2005 at 12:29 AM

I will have to admit, this blog is a sucker for a website that contains a content generator of any kind. And really, if you think about it, they can be real time savers. Generators can help you create your own evil plan, write your Academy Award acceptance speech, formulate a reply to one of those Nigerian "business proposal" emails, or help you name a suburban development (I beta tested this one).

But the church sign generator is the one generator I truly enjoy. It's a site that lets you select one of two church signs and emblazon it with whatever message comes to mind. You can even purchase your generated sign as a refrigerator magnet (for a nominal fee of course).

Here are a few of my own creations:

A sign you might see if this blog suddenly becomes religious.

blog, rinse, repent

A sign in front of a church desperate to attract female members.

It's ladies nite

A sign in front of a church that has a minister with a sense of humor.

a priest, a rabbi, and a minister...

And finally, a sign you might see in front of the United Church of Dirty Limericks.

There once was a man from Nantucket...

Now if I could only find a generator that automatically creates blog posts for me so I would no longer have to toil over this stupid 30 posts in 30 days thing (It must have been really late when I thought up that grand scheme).

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Comments is a fun page with over 50 choices of image generators where you can customize/personalize the captions on the images and then send as an e-card to friends as a funny gag or prank. Hours of fun, just need an imagination! These customizable images are Flash files which makes them easy to print (just right click over the image and select print) or you can use our tools to capture an area of the page and save as an image file for use on blogs and websites ;)

Posted by: WHAK'd | October 27, 2005 01:24 PM

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