Adding a blog roll

Posted on February 04, 2005 at 01:03 AM

For those of you who aren't familiar with blogs, a blog roll is a list of links to other blogs commonly read by the site's author. The blog roll usually is comprised of blogs the author reads on a regular basis, blogs belonging to friends, or listed on a "you link to me, I link to you" basis. Blog rolls always vary in length, some just listing a few links while others number in the hundreds.

Since I haven't included one yet, I thought I would start by just listing a few of the sites I read, and add more as time goes on. I will try to make a point of posting something about the site I've listed on the blog roll so you have a better understanding of what that site is about.

Here goes: - David is a friend of mine and I enjoy reading his insights. I would say more but do not feel the need to feed his ego. Read his blog. - Where do I begin with this one. Hugh MacLeod is a marketing an advertising consultant based in the UK. His insights are poignant, bleeding edge (hell, beyond bleeding edge), and insightful. A must read for anyone who works in an industry that deals with client/customer relations (basically everyone).

He illustrates a lot of his ideas through "blog cards", cartoons drawn on the back of business cards. A warning though, some of the content on the blog cards may be deemed offensive to some and may not be work safe. There is a bit of shock value to some of his illustrations. Look beyond it. His blog cards will either make you think, make you laugh, or both.

He is well known for his manifesto The Hughtrain which is his unique vision based off of the popular Cluetrain Manifesto.

If you get a chance, read his pdf on How To Be Creative A very good read.

Ninety Nine Zeros - A blog by a noogler blogging from the googleplex. (Read: A weblog authored by a new google employee) Mark Jen just started working at Google back in mid January and gained notoriety for his very open discussions about life inside the googleplex. He became famous when the posts on his blog mysteriously vanished, leaving everyone pondering about his fate and wondering if he might have been a bit too open about the internal workings at Google. Turns out all is well and he is back posting. - Joe Beda is another Google employee who used to work for Microsoft on projects like longhorn, IE, et al. He generally discusses technology, life at Google, and photography. - Kevin Rose hosts the popular tv show "The Screen Savers" on G4TechTV (contact your local cable provider for availability) He provides his readers with a lot of new technology info and how to's. I especially enjoyed how he "switched" a Mac mini into a pc. Maybe someday I will get the chance.

woot! - An on-line store that offers only one product a day. Each night at midnight a new item is posted to their site. What they offer is generally techonology/gadget related merchandise which are close-outs, so they can offer the items to you at low prices. Items remain for sale until they are sold out or until 11:59pm central time which at that time a new item is featured. I haven't purchased anything from them yet but enjoy their satirical product descriptions. They are unique in the fact that they are an online store with a RSS feed.

That's it for now, I will post more in the coming days. At some point in the future I will get all my feeds up on Bloglines and provide a link to my Blogline feed so you could see exactly what I am reading.

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