Stories From The OI Community: Amelia's Story

Posted on October 01, 2006 at 02:21 AM

Amelia has type 3 OI and was kind enough to send us her words of determination:

My name is Amelia and I have type 3 OI. I have had hundreds of fractures in my life and many of surgeries. When I was in grade 7, I had a brain tumor the size of a hardball removed from my head. Just when I thought it was gone for good, it came back again the summer after grade nine. Since then I have had cancer treatments to make sure it won't come back.

These events have had a big effect on me, but in no way have slowed me down in reaching my goals. After I graduate, I'm going to go to University to become an Astronomer. One day, I'm going to discover something great, and nothing is going to stop me.

Thank you Amelia

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You have my best wishes as you fight your tumor, Amelia. My mother has one in her liver. Altgough she feels well, trreatment is a frustratingly slow process . . .

With your positive attitude and determiniation, there is no doubt that you will finish your education and soon be working at an observatory looking at the stars!

Posted by: Stuart | October 1, 2006 08:05 AM

Amelia, I have type IV oi and I have a brother and a son with type IV. With your determination you will go far. You have to have a positive attitude to over come the in's and out's of OI and as long as you have that you will go far. Good Luck and may God richly Bless You.

Posted by: Patricia Minor | October 1, 2006 08:21 AM

Amelia, I made a mistake, my brother and my son have type III OI. Take care sweetie

Posted by: Patricia Minor | October 1, 2006 08:24 AM

I am the mother of Kara, a person living with OI. When Kara wanted to compete in swimming, I told her to MAKE WAVES.......when she wanted to become a doctor, I told her the entire family would help and ....LET"S ROLL" I am a middle school teacher and now I want to tell you to grab your dreams even if they are castles in the clouds. It has been said that you only need to plant a foundation under each of your dreams and they will become reality.
Let's roll, Amelia

Posted by: Su Sheridan | October 1, 2006 08:54 AM

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