I've submitted the blogathon to digg and need your help

Posted on September 30, 2006 at 12:48 PM

Digg.com is a news site read by hundreds of thousands of people. It is unique in that it is a social news site where all entries are submitted by the people. Other readers then see the submissions and give it their vote, or digg as it is known. If a submission gets enough "diggs", it makes it to the front page where it will then be viewed by thousands of people.

You have to be registered on digg to promote stories. So if you are a digg member please vote for my blogathon submission. If you aren't a digg member, register and vote for the story. This is a great way of getting this blogathon in front of as many eyes as possible so we can generate money and awareness for the OI Foundation.

Here is a link to my submission:

Digg.com: Donate to a great charity and win an iPod Nano

Giving this article your "digg" would be a great way to help out our cause.

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