Bread is dangerous

Posted on April 27, 2005 at 01:15 AM

I'm not sure how I've failed to realize this before, but bread has to be one of the most dangerous substances known to mankind. Think I'm making this up? Read the facts regarding the dangers of bread for yourself.

People need to know about the dangers of bread. Imagine having bread on board an airplane. The TSA's prohibited item list doesn't allow people to bring sewing scissors onto planes, but I'm sure they'll allow you to bring bread on board. Hell, they even allow you to pack throwing stars in your checked baggage. What are these people thinking?

I shudder just thinking about a bread ball falling into the hands of the wrong person.

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What about all those fresh pieces of bread that you ate rolled up in a ball when you were younger?
PS I think I have found a picture of the purple alligator.

Posted by: Mom | April 28, 2005 06:42 PM

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