Another blog roll update

Posted on February 09, 2005 at 12:30 AM

Most of you probably haven't heard that Mark Jen, whose site 99zeros caught the attention of those trying to catch a glimpse of life inside Google, is no longer with the company. Details about his exit from the Googleplex will be forthcoming probably never. You can get the gist of what happened here. A link to his site will remain for the time being.

[Update: He's back.]

On to the updates

Seth Godin - An entrepreneur and agent of change, Seth Godin is the author of 6 best selling books and has written two "manifestos" that can be found on I have linked to one of those below:

Note to Mother, Read this:
The Bootstrappers Bible (You can download the pdf here.)

Fast Company - One day I started receiving this magazine out of the blue, free of charge. It's a great read. Their tagline is "How smart people work" They profile businesses of all sizes and illustrate what they are doing to keep growing, staying innovative, and generally shaking things up. It's because of this magazine I started my personal ban against all things wal-mart. I have purchased only one item from a wal-mart in the last year, and that was only because of dire circumstances outside of my control. (I may tell the story at some point in time. Names will be changed to protect the innocent)

Life Hacker - A great site for finding shortcuts in life to save time (a.k.a. life hacks). Posts range from How to tie a tie, cutting vegetables, or picking good passwords.

Maeda's SIMPLICITY - a M.I.T. media guru who is the co-director of a research program called SIMPLICITY, which is aimed at redefining users’ relationships with technology in their daily lives and battling information overload. It's a look inside of a brain at M.I.T. who also happens to be an award winning graphic designer. More examples of his work can be found here.

How to Save the World - Dave Pollard's blog covers many different topics, (science, ecology, business, and blogging just to name a few). Having just recently found this site I haven't had a chance to read too many of his posts (due mainly to their length) but a few things I did read really stood out:

When will business embrace blogs?
The Ten Most Important Ideas of 2004: Business & the Economy
The Ten Most Important Ideas of 2004: Blogs and the Internet

IFTF's Future Now - A think tank based in Palo Alto, their main focus is researching how emerging technologies impact our lives. They are using the informal medium of a blog to share their ideas.

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Thanks for reading Fast Company!

Posted by: Heath Row | February 9, 2005 10:04 AM

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